Sunday, 29 June 2008

"She wouldn't let me have one, she says they're naughty...."

Spoilers ahead, watch The Stolen Earth then come back.

Bernard Cribbins hot webcam action XXX Now wouldn't that be a special 50th Post Bonus?

No, of course not, it's that time of year again folks! Russell T Davies brings his version of Doctor to a close in barnstorming fashion chucking in every character from the Nu-Whoniverse he can manage to take on the might of Davros and his new Dalek empire. Everything about this episode screamed "End of an era" right down to the audacious cliffhanger (More on that later) and added to the threat posed by the Daleks. Everything was on a much bigger scale than usual finales, we had an army of Daleks descimate New York, (Though was it necessary to have Michael Brandon for such a small role?) and a complete lack of the Doctor cos he couldn't find where the Earth had buggered off to. So it's down to this merry band to contact the useless bastard.

Brady Bunch Revival Back On...

Loved these scenes between all the characters of the Whoniverse, especially the flirting between Sarah Jane and Captain Jack, and I'm almost certain Captain Jack and Sarah Janes young son Luke! Even more entertaining to watch was Roses chagrin at not even being mentioned or included in the big plans drawn up by the Doc's former companions. Whilst all this is going on, the Doctor takes Donna to visit the Shadow Proclamation, mentioned waaaay back in the first ever episode of New Who and to be honest they were waaay dissapointing. Lacking menace or authority, even the Judoon who I absolutely love were sorely underused. (A 12" Judoon doll adorns my window sill) That said, they do declare war on the Daleks so maybe we might be treated to the full wrath of the Shadow Proclamation next week?

The Shadow Proclamation: Surprisingly well lit

Other victims of underuse due to the sheer amount of shit-going-on was Michael Brandon as General Sanchez. Exterminated too soon after giving Martha the Osterhagen(?) key, which, presumably is German for "Reset Button". No, I'm being cynical, the only things we've properly seen destroyed were the Valiant and New York, two things that don't really affect either Doctor Who or its spin-off shows so there may not be a need to reset everything by the end of this story. Speaking of New York and Daleks, it was refreshing to see them being ruthless bastards once again, after their disappointing appearance in last years Daleks in Manhattan. I mean they kill an 8 year old boy for goodness sake! On a family show! On a Saturday!

Presumably this is all down to their renewed strength courtesy of their creator Davros, played to perfection by the utterly sublime Julian Bleach, channeling original Davros Michael Wisher to chilling effect. Hopefully we'll get some proper confrontation between him and the Doctor next week, though I did love the Doctor's: "After everything that's happened, after all we've been through, I only have one thing to say to you; Byeee!"

Steven Hawking's really let himself go....too offensive?

So with the Doctor back in action and after some comical first impressions from Gwen about the Doctor ("He's a bit nice, thought he'd be older.") and Donna about Captain Jack things were set up for a heart warming reunion between the Doctor, his former companions and, of course Rose. But what's this coming round the corner? A Dalek? An extermination? The Doctor DYING? Not entirely sure about Captain Jack teleporting, gun raised and ready to kill the Dalek but what can you do? And then Russell T Davies pulls off, perhaps the greatest cliffhanger in Doctor Who history, by having the Doctor REGENERATE? Either this is the best kept secret in entertainment and we've got a new Doctor next Saturday or there's something else afoot. No matter what it's a bloody audacious move and a whole country must have just had a collective "Wha...tha...Fu?"

All in all, The Stolen Earth is the biggest, boldest opening episode of a season finale 2 parter ever. Whether or not Journeys End will live up to the promise is anyones guess but I hope to god it does as there's still a bitter taste in my mouth over the mistakes made in last years Last of the Timelords. Roll on Saturday!

In an episode as busy as this, I thought I'd just list the other things I quite liked about the ridiculously exciting opening episode:

  • Bernard Cribbins continues to delight and entertain, lightening the tensest of scenes.
  • "My vision is not impaired" another weakness of the Daleks solved.
  • Ianto, lightening the tense scenes that Bernard Cribbins wasn't in.
  • Billie Piper, back to her best after last weeks weak performance.
  • Catherine Tate, her performance goes from strength to strength, just what is her fate?

The Geeky:

  • Calufrax, one of the stolen planets from classic serial The Pirate Planet is mentioned.
  • As is Klom from Series 2's Love and Monsters
  • And the Doctor mentions a plan to move Earth from long ago, but it couldn't be the same perpetrators this time. Daleks in Dalek Invasion of Earth or Timelords in Trial of a Timelord?

So will next week open with James Nesbitt off to battle Davros? Which loyal companion will die? And is Harriet Jones seriously the Red Dalek? Can't wait to find out!


Anonymous said...

I cant believe u cant throw a sheet over a Dalek anymore to render it useless. The Doc will be buggered now when he has to face them! Old blankies going to be no help to no one!

Also that wine couldnt have been that strong if you could remeber all that or was there sky+ involved!

Mark Donaldson said...

Hahaha, the wine was cracked open AFTER the episode. There are rules to watching Doctor who you know, which you will learn during next year....hahaha