The Doctor, Martha and Donna are held hostage by fans angered by the thought the Doctor can be a father
I actually had to grudgingly applaud Stephen Greenhorn for his sheer cheek by having the introduction of the Doctor's daughter a rushed scene involving the Doc and a cloning machine. Because let's be honest, RTD was never going to have the Doctors original daughter and mother of Susan turn up. David Tennant was utterly fantastic this week, and his scenes with the gorgeous, sexy Georgia Moffet as Jenny were funny, emotional and utterly heartbreaking at various points throughout the episode as the Doctor began to realise that she really was his daughter.
Helping the Doctor realise this was the wonderful Catherine Tate (She was robbed! ROBBED! By Ant and Dec of all people? Thieving Geordie Bastards.) as Donna who had some brilliant scenes making the Doctor realise that Jenny was indeed his flesh and blood, two hearts and everything! Of course, they were never going to let her live were they? RTD seems intent on bringing back and killing Timelords, and I'm sure it was no accident that Jenny's death scene echoed the death of the Master at the end of last season. And the Doctors reaction was utterly shocking, aiming a gun at the head of the wonderful General Cobb before pointing out the difference between him and the Doctor. "I NEVER WOULD!" is perhaps one of my favourite bits of Nu-Who, once again, the script focused on the idea of soldiers, and the Doctor as a soldier. This included much reference to the Time War, and I can't help but think this is a theme that may come back in the finale. But that's not for months yet! So yes, a breakneck 45 minute emotional rollercoaster, a story that echoed The Wrath of Khan; a terra-forming device, a sacrifice and a surprise resurrection at the conclusion. Yeah Jenny lived, either in a sort of regeneration or as a result of the terra-forming device who knows? And to be honest, who cares? She's still alive, off out there in the universe growing up to be her father and being really bloody sexy. Fuck Torchwood, I want a 13 episode series of Georgia Moffet doing backflips. I suddenly need a cold shower.
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