Wednesday, 7 May 2008

"You can pull down your trousers and we can check..."

"...pull down your trousers and we can all check..." Alan Sugar's on that "Good Jewish Boy" Chatline again!

That Alan Sugar's getting right saucy! Yes, it's another week in The Apprentice and what a bloody week! The teams were sent off to Marrakesh for the bartering/buying task, prompting Lee and Raef to discuss the sort of clothes they should be wearing, sadly Raef left his linen suit at home. That said, Nick donned a lovely white linen jacket, which unfortunately made him look more like a local butcher than Roger Moore.
Butchers, incidentally lead us to the downfall of two, yes two candidates. Once again highlighting exactly how bloody stupid some of this lot are, the two Jennys and even "Good Jewish Boy" Michael hadn't a fucking clue what a kosher chicken was. A particular highlight was when Ginger-Jenny asked for a kosher chicken at a Hal-Al butcher, what the hell was she trying to do? Trigger a bloody riot?
Jenny and Michael doing their bit for Middle Eastern relations

Good on Claire for pointing out they were looking for a Jewish item in Muslim country, points taken away for her being satisfied with Other-Jenny's "They do Muslim Kosher Chicken too..." I'm growing to like Claire, not as much as Raef, Lee or Sara but she does seem to know what she's doing. Ginger-Jenny also attempted to bribe a bloke in a sports shop to not string Alpha's raquets. This obviously did not sit well with Sir Alan who saw right through her, and fired her, describing her as a snake. This was not before a rather long and drawn out discussion about whether or not Michael was Jewish. It was an emotionally draining episode this week, by the end of the hour I was bloody exhausted. But that's enough about the losers, let's talk about the absolute dream team that was; Lee, Raef, Sara, Lucinda

Lee is just so god-damned enthusiastic about everything! But the boy done good, getting all the right items, even if in his quest to find a juicer, he attracted a baying mob all trying to sell him juicers, I was afraid a fight was about to break out!
This is what happens when you tell people you'll pay 1,000 dirams for an orange juicer!
Really good to Sara proving herself to Lee who laid into her quite a bit last week, and she proved herself to Nick too, which by default surely means Sir Alan. One of my favourite moments of Alpha's time in Marrakesh was Raefs face when Lee swore down the phone...way round this, why doesn't anyone in The Apprentice put the phone to their ear? Saves broadcasting Lee McQueen yelling fuck in polite company.
Also in Raef news, he was looking dapper as ever in the last few minutes as Alpha enjoyed a balloon ride (Incidentally Lee's "This is...happy days, happy days." brought a tear to my eye) and picnic. So yeah, very happy that all my favourites were in the same team and are safe for another week.

Next week:- The teams try and sell wedding dresses at a wedding fair, and someone dresses up in this bear costume! I'm hoping it's Raef.

That bear's got a hell of a range...

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