I've got a big weapon for you to hold Billie....fnar fnar
You said it madam. As entertaining as Eurovision was (More on that tomorrow...) there was a feeling of emptiness about this Saturday without any new Doctor Who. In their infinite wisdom, the Beeb decided to make us all feel a little bit better by showing us what's to come in the next 6 episodes and....oh my.
Much of the trailer focused on Rose and the Daleks, with a few other little hints on the finale. The bees aren't the only things that are disappearing apparently, with Donna's grandad noticing the stars going out. Not only that, but the Doctor appears to travel through the time vortex! This killed the Indestructible Captain Harkness so how does the Doctor survive without regenerating?
There was also a lot of material from the eagerly anticipated Steven Moffat 2-parter with some rather awesome looking Spacesuit monsters.
Ambassadors of Death much?
Amongst other things there was the TARDIS on fire, Donna telling the Doctor that Rose is coming back, someone who looks like Donna in some very bright light, and Rose warning Donna that the darkness is coming. That and we get a lot of Rose doing her very best Buffy the Vampire Slayer routine....oh....and is this him?
It isn't the time vortex. Although it is blue it is only a kind of portal through the library into the center near CAL. Anywhere the doctor is a time lord he could probably survive anyway!
It isn't the time vortex it's a portal through the library.
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